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On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 15:47 +0100, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Regarding version information, there is solver/*/inc/* 
(make-level variables VERSIONMAJOR, VERSIONMINOR, etc.) and there is
solenv/inc/version.hrc including versionlist.hrc (#defines for VERSION, 
        Wow - sounds like Tor is right - we have a proliferation of duplicated
macros here that need cleaning :-)

C++ code like desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_dependencies.cxx uses 
utl::ConfigManager::getAboutBoxProductVersion, which in turn reads the 
/org.openoffice.Setup/Product/ configuration data.
        I considered using that; but I didn't really want to fetch a configmgr
instance, and go through all that rats nest for each VCL window creation
- particularly when we know the version at compile time :-)

(In case anything of that is useful or relevant for the current thread, 
which I didn't quite get.)
        :-) all about allowing complex gtk+ 2.0 themes to adapt to our version.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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