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On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 11:49:39AM +0100, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 13/11/12 11:42, Michael Meeks wrote:

On Mon, 2012-11-12 at 22:11 +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
   Trying to unwind why the linux tinderboxen seem to like to crash
during build of udkapi - it seemed (to me) that there was some horrible stack
corruption going on

    It -looks- like this is some system vs. internal boost issue - going
down a stack-frame I get from an internal boost mangling
boost::unordered_map to what looks like a system one

    I guess some include flags changed somewhere :-) still chasing.

boost was added to tail_build recently, so it could possibly be caused
by a missing dependency, i.e. something is built before boost and finds
the system boost headers.

Whenever I hear boost::unordered breakage, I think of:




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