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Please ignore this patch. I've submitted it via gerrit instead.


On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Jeremy Brown <>wrote:


I wanted to check if anyone had seen this and had a chance to look it over.



On 11/2/12, Jeremy Brown <> wrote:

This is an enhancement to deal with the following issues:

Files modified:

Changes made:
Created a new checkbox on the Languages options page:
[] Ignore system input language
This is unchecked by default so that the current behavior is the default
i.e. newly entered text will be flagged as the whatever the current
input language is.

When checked however, this instructs LibreOffice to ignore the system
language (on Windows for example, the language from the Language Bar)
when determining the language for newly entered text. This is handled in
the lcl_isNonDefaultLanguage method of sw\source\ui\docvw\edtwin.cxx.

The option is also saved in registrymodifications.xcu

There are two main use cases:
1. This allows someone to use a single "international" keyboard on
Windows to type in multiple languages, (e.g. English, French, and
Spanish) without changing the system keyboard. The person is then
responsible for setting the language of each word or run of text
themselves using the Tools->Lanuage->For Selection/For Paragraph/For
all Text menu items. This seems to be the preferred workflow for some
translators and some educators developing language materials.

2. This allows someone writing in a minority language that is not
represented in one of Windows' locale options to still be able to
type in their language using a keyboard in another "language". Once
they set the language in LibreOffice (to Teke-Eboo [ebo_CG] for example),
they can type with a keyboard tagged as being for "English" or "French",
but still succeed in entering new text in their language. This allows
spell-checking to work properly, without them having to select each new
word they enter and reset the language of that word to Teke-Eboo, as is
currently the case.

I tried to follow the code for the "DecimalSeparatorAsLocale" checkbox
on the language page as I made this patch. Hopefully I've done all

It's been tested on Windows 7. I think there is no expected behavior
change on most Linux distros because if I understand right, those
systems don't report a language to LibreOffice.




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