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Hi Johan,

On Tue, 2012-10-23 at 13:17 +0200, Johan Henriksson wrote:
I want to propose a new feature to OO.

        So - this is the developers' list for discussing patches, code
pointers, reviewing changes, and discussing technical issues - it is not
a place for people to post their wish-lists; that is the 'discuss' list.

I suspect at least the first two items are rather straight-forward and
would add great value to the software

        Word count is currently cached quite intensively to avoid heavy-lifting
to re-build those counts (IIRC), building lists of every word in the
document would need implementing differently if it was to scale to large

        Nevertheless, the word-count dialog is in:


        Patches most welcome :-)

        All the best,

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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