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Hi Johan,

Johan Henriksson píše v Út 23. 10. 2012 v 13:17 +0200:

I want to propose a new feature to OO. One of the final tasks when
writing, for example, grant applications, is polishing the language.
OO currently has a thesaurus feature which is very useful for killing
off repetitions, but it can be taken to a new level.

This mailing list is for talking code, not for proposing features ;-)
But if you are a developer, and actually asking for code pointers, the
code for the word count dialog lives here:


And the values themselves are provided via SwDocStat.  That  is being
counted in SwDoc::UpdateDocStat() in


which effectively mostly calls SwTxtNode::CountWords() in


Hopefully should be reasonably straightforward :-) - interesting for you
to hack on?  Please poke us for details if you get stuck!

All the best,


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