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 at the conference we had a discussion about 
the --enable-symbols/debug/dbgutil DEBUG/debug options and some confusion 
these occassionally cause. As a result, I've committed some patches that 
clean up and change them in the following way:

 The intended behavior now, in short:
- --enable-dbgutil is the recommended developer default, and it 
is --enable-debug plus BIC stuff
- --enable-debug is -g, no optimizations, assertions and logging enabled 
(old-style OSL/RTL/whatever logging may still require dbgutil though, I'm not 
sure how that stuff works and it should ideally be converted to 
- --enable-selective-debuginfo is for selective -g and 
requires --enable-debug/dbgutil (i.e. it only saves disk space and I/O 
throughput by removing -g for some modules)
- make DEBUG=true still works like temporary --enable-debug (and even 
overrides --enable-selective-debuginfo)
- --enable-symbols has been removed, set CXXFLAGS if needed
- C/CXX/LDFLAGS passed to configure, if present, is now remembered and used to 
override any debug/optimizations flags that would be used otherwise

 See the commit log message for full details:

 Lubos Lunak


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