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* Completed Action Items
    + ping Tollef wrt. sysadmin work (Bjoern)
        + openID analysis suggests you still need to register [!?]
    + enable automatic help build / sync. on a cron-job (Kendy)
        + now a chron job

* Pending Action Items
    + create a new AmbitiousHacks wiki page, based on GSOC page (Michael M)
    + issues to look into if we can
        + fdo#34548 - review Michael's patch (Thorsten)
                + getting to the bottom takes weeks.
        + fdo#55290 - master doesn't install on windows (dtardon)
                + potential fix in the bug.
        + fdo#55360 - mac specific text issue (Thorsten)
        + fdo#51023 - impress D&D crasher - (Radek)
    + set updater to get 3.5.0/1 -> 3.6.2 (Kendy)

* Submodules (Norbert)
        + ready to pull the trigger on submodules
        + Norbert here to vent any anger
        + concerns wrt. tinderboxen & needing latest tinbuild2
        + still only pulls the modules you need
        + use the latest './g' to go back in time
        + no need for ./g if not using translation/help etc.
        + git / new workdir - unsure if it works
        + git 1.7.9 preferred, worked with git 1.7.4
                + 1.7.9 stores submodules' .git inside top-level .git
        + read
        + really helps tinderboxes / gerrit pre-build magic / bisect etc.
        + only applies to master.
        + for non-core modules big rename to bring one dir-level up.
                + so git-am for bin-filter needs a manual sed first.
        + pushing submodules happened before minutes went live.

* Meeting organisation / minuting
        + weekly calls ok ?
                + better than async mail.
        + do we really need the name roll-call (Caolan)
                + companion IRC channel as an idea ?
                + interleaves it with people coming in (Kendy)
        + action items - machine parseable (Bjoern)
                + status updates generated from the logs ?
AI:             + create script to parse Meeks minutes (Bjoern)

* Release Engineering update (Fridrich)
        + vacation / quality report (deferred)
        + 3.5.7 status
                + rc2 should release during the conference
                + just a blog + announce
        + 3.6.3 rc1 status
                + released => staging on friday, mirrors @ weekend
                + Thorsten announced ? but people busy @ conf.
        + RelEng is a generally helpful section in the call.
                + gives useful up-coming deadline notice.

* UI / design update (Astron)
        + icons for new conditional formats in cells
                + something to play with; more icon sets ?
                        + (thanks to Astron)
        + consensus on fonts achieved
                + 3.3Mb uncompressed -> 1.5Mb download
                + stripped un-necessary weights from opensans, sourcesans, etc.
AI:             + font bundling and gerrit fun with Astron (Andras)
AI:             + audit set of new / built-in fonts (Caolan)
                + still awaiting funky font downloading functionality
                + saxon removal to keep size static.
        + some funky toolbar hacking on the train (Kendy)

* Uses for new hardware (Cedric)
        + some kind French sponsor will provide new machines
        + how can we best use them ?
        + creating VMs of LibreOffice / master for remote testing
                + several platforms, for wider & less disruptive QA
                + log-in and have a play ...
                + getting a -big- bibisect setup here would be beautiful (Norbert)
                        + share-able across multiple VM's ?
        + does it come with some admin ? (Kendy)
                + off-load the wiki / build there.
        + what Hardware with what OS on it (Norbert)
                + unclear - bare metal etc. ?
AI:     + get more details & connect (Norbert / Sophie)

* QA update (Bjoern)
        + HardHack list moved to wiki -
                + no changes for this week
        + couple of hard-hacks fixed (thanks to Caolan)
        + bibisect interest increasing
        + how is morale around closing issues (Caolan)
                + bfoman doing a great job providing Win32 / stack-traces
                + lots of bug stuck in early stages, without good
                  reproduction / descriptions
                + growing certainty wrt. the old / unconfirmed bug dung-out,
                  modulo a few corner case issues
                        + same pattern in Fedora / GNOME etc.
                + 55% of our 13k bugs are closed; and we inherited a lot.
                        + we are 25% of freedesktop bugs - horay !
        + why is our regression bug count so static ?
                + no obvious release spikes at all
                + either bugs are not getting triaged fast
                + or we're fixing them fast - or something of both.
        + extremely encouraging to see people fixing 3.7 bugs
                + easier, cheaper to fix the quicker we catch.

* Certification criteria (Thorsten/Italo)
        + ESC developer as initial set of L3 certified programmers
        + extend this rapidly to contemporary hackers
        + minutes of 2012-01-26 seem reasonable
        + do we need a formal criteria (Kendy)
        + how do we evaluate it / ESC might not want to (Norbert)
        + let them fix one hard-hack ? (Bjorn)
        + decided: all coding / ESC meeting attendees for
          last 6x months are per-se L3 certified LibreOffice
          developers (except for Norbert)
AI:     + build a list of names for Italo (Michael)
        + Kendy + Stephan + Bjoern => new L3 certification committee.

* 4.0 plans / naming / ABI stability etc. (Kendy)
        + propose call the next version 2.0
                + everything is done in incremental steps
        + ~2 months from now:
                + pick the corner cases for 2.0, with least impact
                + back-compat for ABI is useful
                + eg. map com::sun::star -> something else / work on it.
        + ok to occasionaly break small parts of API (Stephan)
                + not change of css:: namespace - just cosmetics etc.
                + changes that do break things, smaller scale.
        + why a 4.0 ?
                + marketing reasons, we deserve it.
                + seeing the difference: from 3.3 -> 3.7 it's huge.
        + user-installs labelled with '4'
                + migration code to do a one-shot config / setup fix.
                + can loose old back-compat code.
                + we get the berkeleydb removal as part of re-basing.
                + or we could stop coupling version to migration (Lionel)
        + de-couple external / compatibile APIs from the core APIs ? (Michael)
                + API an after-thought, not used by those who designed it
                + usability problems come from a lack of use of the APIs
                + advantages of sharing the APIs internal & external - to
                  avoid lack of testing & bit-rot.
        + beware the binfilter trap (Stephan)
                + we already do in-proc bridging.
        + need all features in by Alpha1 etc.

* Fixed 3.7 MAB: with thanks ..
        + fdo#55560 - CRASH when Format Cells (menu and Context menu) (Caolan)
        + fdo#55685 - CRASH when create or modify Character Style or Paragraph Style (Caolan)

* Open 3.7 MAB / regressions [ there should be none ]:
        + 2 (of 13) open
        + fdo#55290 - LOdev 3.7 won't install [ on Windows ]. Error 1935 (dtardon)
        + fdo#55570 - significant autocorrect slow-down (Stephan)

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
    + 30 (of 132) older 27/127 44/139 46/137 45/132 44/127 39/119 27/96 26/91
          23%            21%    32%    34%    34%    35%     33%   28%   29%

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
    + 77 open (of 279) older 78/278 81/279 82/279 83/279 80/270 81/269 73/258 73/257
          28%                 28%    29%    29%    30%    30%    30%    26%    28%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 175(-10) bugs open of 863(+10) total

    * ~Component   count net *
    + Writer       - 72 (-8)
    + Presentation - 18 (+0)
    + Spreadsheet  - 17 (+2)
    + Crashes      - 15 (-6)
    + Database     - 14 (+0)
    + Drawing      - 13 (+0)
    + LibreOffice  - 12 (-1)
    + Borders      - 12 (-1)
    + Migration    - 6  (+0)
    + Basic        - 2  (+0)
    + Writer / RTF - 2  (-1)

    + Migration tracker:

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

Attachment: bug-metrics.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet


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