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Marco Cecchetti wrote:
What left ?
1- date/time, footer and page number text fields on master page are
   not yet displayed with the new layout of exported text shapes;

2- animation involving text paragraph;

3- selecting text causes to switch automatically to the next slide;

4- text decorations (underline, strike-through) are not yet supported;

5- adjusting text when the font used is not the one required;

6- shadowed, outlined, embossed and engraved text is not supported;

7- exporting embedded svg image natively, without transforming them
   into a bitmap and back.

I'll spend the last gsoc week in providing as much as possible of
the above features. Any preference ?

Hi Marco,

so sorry for leaving you without response for so long, but I'm
confident you chose wisely. :)

(was out in the woods, and ran out of battery - my totally
irrelevant ordering of the above would have been {1,2}, then
{3,4,5}, then {6,7})


-- Thorsten

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