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When you run update it opens that tool and just automatically selects
certain packages you neeed. When I ran it those tool packages were
installed. The only thing I don't have is the Jelly Bean SDKs... I doubt
that's the problem but I'll need them in the future anyway.

Also, I gave up on Eclipse completely about 4/5 weeks ago as it has a bug
such that you can't replace tabs with spaces automatically so isn't even
good for writing code...

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 5:54 AM, Tor Lillqvist <> wrote:

I ran an "android update sdk" but it made no difference but there must be
something I'm missing
Try running it just interactively "android" and see if it offers an
update then.  (I have "Android SDK Tools" Rev 20, "Android SDK
Platform-tools" Rev 12. I guess the xml files are part of either of

(Are these build.xml etc files used by Ant, and Eclipse runs Ant then
to do the actual build? Or are the same files used by both? Or do you
don't use Eclipse for building, just coding and debugging? I
definitely could do with some hands-on tutoring on how to use Eclipse,
I find it quite confusing and hard to use...)



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