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Any help/pointers would be much appreciated.

The (mysterious) code in solenv/bin/modules/
doesn't cope with a file name that contains regexp metacharacters (the
'+' in your "/Volumes/hfs+/git").

I think the quickest solution might be to change the
    $line =~ /^$file:\n$/
   $line =~ /^\Q$file\E:\n$/

in said Try that and report back.

An even better thing would be to eventually figure out whether all
that special Mac OS X dylib crack is needed at all when building with
a current Xcode tool-chain for a current OS... and hopefully notice
that it isn't.


P.S. Anticipating the knee-jerk reaction from the more leet coders:
Yes, using Python instead of Perl this problem would go away, sure,
sure, you win, have a cookie.


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