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2012/7/15 Gerry T. <>:
Dear all,

please find a first draft of a comprehensive feature comparison between
LibreOffice 3.6 and Microsoft Office 2010 in the Documentfoundation wiki:

Please feel free to use or change the information in any way you like.

Best greetings,

Thank you for your work so far! Pretty impressive! Might also help the
marketing guys a lot for their next big advertisement campain (LO4?).

Coming from academia, most of the texts are too long for me to read
;-) Would it be possible to make a TL;DR version? Maybe a table with
LO on the left and MSO on the right and green background for a column
where A outperforms B? Next weekend I have some spare time again and
could help with that/ provide a draft if you like.



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