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as you're probably very busy, I'll keep this mail short.

Originally, I wanted to submit a patch to improve the writer autocompletion feature. However I won't have the time to finish it for the next two or three months, so I thought I'd submit what has already been finished in case anyone is interested on doing any work on the feature.

The archive attached contains the files required for replacing the current list used to store autocompletion words by a much faster tree structure. It also allows for storing the word probability so that for a given word prefix, if will return the autocompletion with the highest probability.

Everything important that one is required to know when working with this piece of code should be obvious from the extensive comments.

Note that I have included a main.cpp including tests to demonstrate the structure is (probably) error-free. Note too that the code still uses the std::string I have been using while developing it (the plan was to replace it at a later time with the string type used within libreoffice).

Nico Weyand

PS.: I do release this code under GPL 3+ -- as long as this doesn't mean my email address is posted in a public location :D

Attachment: lookuptree.7z
Description: Binary data


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