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On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Stefan Knorr (Astron)
<> wrote:
I have to admit, I was at first also scared of the all-greenness of
the splash that our good G+ circlers [1] chose. We did, among the
design team, discuss the other options, but if we hadn't  taken one
from the top three that would have probably meant just disregarding
the poll, and could have turned some people against us. Among the top
three, we felt this one was the most solid entry – and also in a
distant lead.
I was not around for the vote.. so my fault.. (/me should not take
vacation :-) ) but I much more prefer

much more elegant and less of a eye-scorcher... according to my
personal taste :-) (and the one of my typical computer-challenged test
subject: my sister :-) )



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