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Stefan Knorr (Astron) píše v St 04. 07. 2012 v 15:34 +0200:
Hi Petr,

I have cherry-picked the duplication-removal into 3-6 branch, see

Hmm, I see some troubles with the new branding:

1. LO register extensions during the first start. It shows the names of
   the extensions in the splash screen under the progress bar. In the
   new splash screen, the text is black and almost invisible. In
   addition, it is shown on the very edge of the dialog, so it might be
   shrinked. It was too fast, so I was not able to notice all details.
Sorry, I broke that. 
Do not worry. There is still plenty of time to fix it for the final
3.6.0 release :-)

Can you tell me how these coordinates are set? What would be great is,
if the messages were plain white, and would be  displayed around 250px
from the top.
I guess that it is somewhere around SplashScreen::Paint and
SplashScreen::setText in desktop/source/splash/splash.cxx

I think that these are the sources for the original splash that shows
the information about the registered extensions.

Note that there are also sources for the Linux specific oosplash.bin:


Though, the method UnxSplashScreen::setText in
desktop/unx/splash/unxsplash.cxx does nothing. So, I think that it can't
be used during the first start.

To be honest, I am bit confused by the many splash-related sources ;-)

2. Kendy told me one day that green did not look good on Windows
   because there were many things in blue. The new branding is really
   green. Have you seen it on Windows?
I have to admit, I was at first also scared of the all-greenness of
the splash that our good G+ circlers [1] chose. We did, among the
design team, discuss the other options, but if we hadn't  taken one
from the top three that would have probably meant just disregarding
the poll, and could have turned some people against us. Among the top
three, we felt this one was the most solid entry – and also in a
distant lead.
I see.

Anyway, after replacing the very bright colours in this splash with
our branding colours, it seemed much better to me. Also, concerning
the in-app feel: everything there is now much less blue and more grey
due to changes by Kendy & Mirek. I tried the splash on Windows and I
think it works quite well [2].
It looks fine to me. Well, I am not expert :-)

3. The older white about dialog with green motives looked much more
   shiny than the new one. Well, it was too shiny in compare with the
   rest of the application, so I do not have any strong opinion here.
I know it's a bit less shiny, and yes, you can view it as a drawback.
On the other hand, not having a background image/white background
automatically rids us of the ugly grey 1px frames around the buttons
etc. Also, not hard-coding the fonts makes it automatically work for
high-contrast users again (not a proper fix, I know).
Yup, I think that it is fine after all.

Thanks a lot for working on this.

Best Regards,


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