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On Tue, 2012-06-26 at 12:35 -0700, Leonardo Josué Corcega Ufona wrote:
vcbuild.exe : error VCBLD0001: VCProjectEngine.dll no se puede cargar.
Aseg▒rese de que el archivo VCProjectEngine.dll se encuentra en el
mismo directorio que el archivo vcbuild.exe.

Well, google translate turns this into...

VCBLD0001: CProjectEngine.dll not be loaded. Make sure
VCProjectEngine.dll that the file is in the same directory as the

googling on that then gives as a plausible similar
problem and solution, i.e. "on non-english version of visual c++ express
edition (spanish, french and others). This Problem seems to be that for
non english versions, vcbuild cannot load the specific languages dll.
SOLUTION: copy the content of the localized folder (for french it
is ...vcpackages\1036, spanish it is ...vcpackages\3082) in vcpackages.
It worked on french and spanish version."

So it seems to be a non-english language specific problem with visual
studio express.



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