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On Mon, 2012-06-11 at 23:10 +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:
- STR_DOC_LOADING and STR_CHAIN_OK were unused. They are represented in 
many po files. Is there an easier way to remove them or only per regex/sed?

Stuff in .po files I think basically "take care of themselves", but
maybe Andras can give the right answer for that. I *presume* there's a
form of garbage collection taking place there so that translations of
removed stuff doesn't continue forever.

        Yep - the only problem is that there is no link between the code
dropping a string usage, and leaving it around forever to be constantly
translated. It is quite possible that some small %age of our strings are
simply never used & just waste translators time.

        I just thought about this a bit ... and hacked up a very quick shell

$ for a in `git grep String | grep \.src | grep -e '[RSH]ID_' | \
            sed 's/^.*[RSH]ID_/ID_/' | sed 's/[  {=].*$//' | sort | uniq`; \
  do echo -n "$a " ; (git grep $a | wc -l); done

        Not a perfect guide and of course it could be lots cleaner ;-) As a
finger-in-the-air guide though it's prolly reasonable.

        If the count is '2' or lower for hits - then (quite probably) the
string is either unused - or it is one of those gross cases Caolan
pointed out (which probably need identifying and strangling carefully
anyway). So eg.


further investigation. Given that RID_BIB_STRING and RID_BIB_START are
not mentioned in arithmetic outside the .hrc file - I suspect we could
happily loose these (eg.)

        If someone is looking for cleanups - those sound like they might be a
fruitful place to start :-) are you interested Thomas - or should I file
an easy-hack ?

        HTH !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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