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during my work on gbuild'ification of pyuno module i've seen mingw branches in some dmake makefiles.
That why I have compiled mingw32 on OpenSUSE 12.1
with option --enable-python=internal and installed it on real Windows 7
machine and tested pyuno intergration without my gbuild'ification patch (the current master).
I compiled it with make 
was created.
(btw, about dialog is broken, i can see only X and not the Window)

As it turns out LO carshes if i try Tools=>Macros=>...>Python.
It is also clear why: we do not package any python stuff with this combination: --enable-python=system. Also I do have original python32 in my path on windows, it can not work together, because the python_wrapper.exe
is build on Windows for pyuno-bridge to work.
(Windows native build dosn't support this combination: --enable-python=system).
If i switch to --enable-python=internal then the build immediatelly 
failing in python module:
(1/1) Building module python
Running processes: 1
Entering /home/david/numpty/workspace/LO-Mingw32/python

dmake:  Error executing 'cygpath': No such file or directory
dmake:  Error code -1, while making 'Shell escape'
Running processes: 0

So I'm stuck here, both combination are broken *before* gbuildification and
i'm not sure how to proceed here.

One option would be to ignore this combination (pyuno@mingw) and
push gbuildi'ificated pyuno module to master and then (may be) come back again
and try to fix it.

Another would be to fix the old dmake module first? Both combinations (system & internal)?
Abd then take care the fixed bridge get migrated to gbuild land.

What do you mean here?



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