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On Sun, 2012-05-13 at 12:57 +0200, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:
I did a quick query concerning LibO Bugs with "somehow patch" 
attachments [1] and still UNFIXED, hat might show that these patches 
still wait for review or something else went wrong

What shell we do with these 60 bugs?
        Yep - so; I reviewed all the outstanding bugs with a 'patch' boolean
set to true/1 - and the majority are patches that were abhortive /
proof-of-concept / and shouldn't be merged. I guess I should prolly have
flagged them with some 'notpatch' keyword ;-) or adjusted them in some
way. I pushed the real ones to the mailing list and/or merged / closed

        The real trick is to push new patch bugs to the dev. list I think
and/or thoughts on how to annotate / improve the query appreciated.

        I also didn't quest for patches that were not marked as such but files
ending '.diff' or '.patch' - perhaps there are some there (if there is
an easy-to-use query for me to review those that'd be great ;-).



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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