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Stephan Bergmann píše v Út 24. 04. 2012 v 09:00 +0200:
On 04/23/2012 06:17 PM, Petr Mladek wrote:
I am not sure but I think that strip reduces size of binaries even when
you build without -g. It just removes something less important.
strip removes the table of internal symbols.  The effect is that 
backtrace information (whether produced by LO's unmaintained automatic 
crash reporting or manually by a capable user) becomes hard to use (or 
even next to useless).
OK, it would make sense to keep that table. I wonder how it increases
the size of the installation set and if we could afford it for the
release builds.

BTW: Is it the same on Windows and MAC? I have zero experience with
stripping binaries there.

Best Regards,

PS: I am sorry but I do not have time to play with it before I do the
tag for 3.5.3-rc2.


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