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On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 01:50:00PM +0200, Lubos Lunak wrote:
 Is it possible to do the build also the other way around, i.e. e.g. "all but 
Not yet, feel free to add it if you think it is essential.

If I work on something, I generally want to have also all its 
dependencies built with debug (does it even make sense to build it 
yes, it does. If you are in sw there are a lot of thinks that can be solved
just in sw. If not, you recompile those libs.

and if I understand the change correctly, I'd have to manually 
find out what all the dependencies actually are. Given that sc/sd/sw are the 
biggest three, it probably even makes the biggest difference to disable the 
two that one does not work on.
 ALLBUTSCSW=`find . -name "Library*.mk"| sed -e 's/^.*Library_//' -e 's/.mk$//'|grep -v sc |grep -v 
sw` && ./ --enable-debug="$ALLBUTSCSW"

should be enough.




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