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On 04/11/2012 03:31 PM, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
It would be nice if somebody with enough insight in these matters
would spend some hours on updating some of the documentation in the
"core" IDL files of the UNO ecosystem, like the most important ones in
com/sun/star/lang and com/sun/star/frame .

That is, assuming I am correct in thinking that lots of the
documentation in these is written from the point of view of a (now
non-existent) StarSomething desktop environment, with "the" office
being just one part of such a desktop environment.

This would IMHO help a lot in understanding what the concepts mean...
describing in real-world terms what a "Desktop" and "Frame" is etc.
I have no real idea about the com/sun/star/frame stuff either.  But if 
you have anything more specific about com/sun/star/lang I could probably 
have a look there.


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