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Just looking at the below function itself (so no idea about the larger context), I noted a few things:

On 03/19/2012 01:17 AM, Andrzej J. R. Hunt wrote:
+void FileDialogHelper_Impl::verifyPath()
+    struct stat aFileStat;
+    const char* pFullPath = OUStringToOString( ( maPath.copy(7) + maFileName ),

copy(7) could be replaced with copy(RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("file://")) to make it more obvious what's going on.

+            osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ).getStr();

pFullPath points to delete memory now, as the OString temporary goes out of scope at the end of the statement.

+    stat( pFullPath,&aFileStat );

See osl/file.hxx for LO's cross-platform stat abstraction facilities -- if they are not expressive enough for the problem at hand, this code would need to be properly ifdef'ed for POSIX (explicitly checking for /tmp indicates this is only a Unix-style problem and/or solution, anyway).

+    // Check that the file has read only permission and is in /tmp -- this is
+    //  the case if we have opened the file from the web with firefox only.
+    if ( maPath.compareTo("file:///tmp",11) == 0&&
+            ( aFileStat.st_mode&  (S_IRWXO + S_IRWXG + S_IRWXU) ) == S_IRUSR ) {
+        maPath = SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath();
+        mxFileDlg->setDisplayDirectory( maPath );
+    }

Sorry that this is just non-constructive drive-by comments for now...



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