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* Present
        + Norbert, David, Michael M, Fridrich, Stephan, Mitch,
          Lionel, Rainer, Markus, Eike, Petr, Bjoern,
          Michael S, Caolan, Kohei, Andras, Kendy

* Completed Action Items
        + poke admins wrt. anongit / cgit down-ness (Michael)
        + talk to Debian guys wrt. packaging etc. (Markus)
                + maintainer old cppunit dev, and happy we took over.
        + update / file first 'most annoying' bug comment for 3.6 tracker
          to encourage direct marking of deps (Petr)
        + review slowcheck patch for tail_build's Makefile (Bjoern)
                + applied; make slowcheck
AA:             + request to re-fix top-level 'make check' to build code first (Bjoern)
                        + nightmares with
        + consensus: drop [LibreOffice] in mail headers (Kendy)

* Pending Action Items
        + [slow progress] extract 64bit build hardware from firewall (Kendy / Admins)
        + rename VCL API to make it GetBeamerFoo & fix (Michael)
        + branch 'build', 'bootstrap' as libreoffice-3-5 or sim.,
          and wipe master with a helpful link (Michael S)
AA:             + talk to Michael S afterwards (Michael M)
            + needs fd.o admin help, bug for that created, Tollef on vacation
AA:     + get links to FOSDEM slides into the wiki (All)

* Action Items review

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.5.0 status
                + ready from development POV
                + Marketing not ready, website in progress
                + web-site / updating volunteers appreciated ASAP
                        + who love
        + 3.5.1
                + RC1 freeze 20th of Feb
                + three week gap before 3.5.1 for fixing
        + 3.4.6
                + a way away - March 5th RC1 deadline
                + encouraging to see more fixes going in there.

* FOSDEM update (~any/all takers)
        + went well, good attendance at the FOSDEM dev-room
        + need a designated time keeper
        + booth went well - tons of T-shirst sold,
          always lots of people there lots of questions
        + over 500 stickers asked for & given out

* QA update (Rainer)
        + lots of time spent searching for cross-bugzilla
          duplicates to Apache bugzilla
                + last few weeks, found little to help etc.
                  code bases diverging.
                + perhaps only for the most annoying bugs ? (Bjoern)
                + so - reduce the searches only to those flagged
                  by the user as very old / annoying etc.
AA:             + update the wiki guidelines to this (Rainer)
        + is it ok to assign bugs to team-leads still ?
                + assigning gives impression someone is working
                  on them - a problem.
                + currently, add to assigned field, but not set
                  status to 'ASSIGNED' (perhaps not an issue)
                + makes sense to add devs to CC, if bugs are
                  higher priority (Petr)
                + is an 'assigned but not assigned' state
                  confusing (Bjoern)
                + can we use unconfirmed/new for this (Norbert)
AA:             + come up with a proposal for this (Rainer/Bjoern/Petr)
                + assignee of all calc bugs, in many cases
                  not clear to who to assign it to, so not
                  possible to have an active re-assignment
                  task (Kohei)
                + quite attached to a push workflow, new bugs
                  in the area end up in mailbox (Lionel)

* system stdlibs for Linux universal builds ? (Stephan/Petr)
        + problem is - that for generic RPMs/DEBs
                + we include the gcc / C++ std-libraries
                + in theory machines could not already have them
        + 2x problems:
                + extensions linked to newer C++ stdlib we ship
                  could fail to run
                + old lib. that we ship, can give C++ exception
                  handling issues, that newer ones would not
        + suggest
                + no longer package it anymore on Linux (Stephan)
        + can we add a Requires: line that works cross-distro ?
                + probably not.
        + we currently have very incomplete Requires anyway (mst)
        + the lib has versioned symbols, so if installed on
          an older system, we may fail on start (Fridrich)
        + create a new separate package of just this stdlib, that
          conflicts with the system (Fridrich)
        + we build custom gcc & binutils on our legacy systems (Fridrich)
        + the very newest libraries would be another option,
          for a while.
        + Options:
                + create new compat-stdlib package and refuse
                  to install if there are newer stdlib around (Fridrich)
AA:             + disable bundling of C++ stdlib in 3.5.1 & see
                  how it goes (Petr)
        + re-think if lots of people complain.

* make check triggers build
        + make it as easy as possible to run checks (Stephan)
        + 'make check' is simpler
        + hopefully time it takes to re-run a pristine make will
          improve over time (Norbert)

* bibisect - is it in-use ? (Bjoern)
        + could be rather useful for catching regressions
        + lack of awareness
        + 50x LibreOffice installs in one git repo
        + can narrow the zone that it was introduced
        + Rainer has ~40 versions on his computer,
          to find where it appeared, not many others do.
AA:     + more bibisect evangelism on the QA mailing list (Bjoern)

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 41 (of 124) open, last weeks: 32/104, 28/93, 21/76, 23/71
        + growing list / interest ? 33%,  30%,   30%,   28%,   32%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
                + 89 bugs open of 315 total
        * Component    count net *
        + Writer       - 36 (+1)
        + Presentation - 8  (-1)
        + LibreOffice  - 9  (+0)
        + Spreadsheet  - 7  (+0)
        + Database     - 7  (+0)
        + Drawing      - 5  (+0)
        + Basic        - 4  (+2)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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