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Alexander Thurgood píše v Čt 09. 02. 2012 v 14:32 +0100:
Le 09/02/12 11:43, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :

Hi Petr, Christian,

This would be possible when you are watching the default owner
( and/or when you're actually
subscribed to the list and then don't receive the mails from bugzilla
itself, but via the mailinglist.

I just connected to the mailinglist admin page to check this out. As I
didn't recall ever having signed up to receive all the mails from this
list, I scanned my mailbox beforehand to search for anything that might
indicate I had, like a password for example or previous administrivia.
There was nothing (and I tend to keep such things in case I ever need to
remember them). So I entered my e-mail and asked for my password to be
sent to me, and what do you know, I apparently was subscribed to the
mailing list (although, like I said, I have no trace of that in my mail
archives). So, I promptly unsubscribed and confirmed. We shall see
whether that does the trick. If not, I'm back to square one.

Sounds strange but promising. Please, do not forget to update when it helped.

Best Regards,


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