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Martin ,

i use folowed BASIC code to make a "path" consitent , maybe  it helps ?

public sElementnaam , sfotopath as string
public oParameter as object

sub addFotoPath()
sRegisterPath = "/org.openoffice.OpmaakMacro.FotoPath/Parameters/"
aSettings = GetConfigSettings(sRegisterPath)
sElementNaam = "FOTO"
sParaNaam = "FotoPath"
sParameter = "c:\test"

call addParameter(aSettings, sParaNaam, sParaMeter)

end sub
sub getFotoPath
    sRegisterPath = "/org.openoffice.OpmaakMacro.FotoPath/Parameters/"
    aSettings = GetConfigSettings(sRegisterPath)
    asElNames = aSettings.ElementNames
    if aSettings.hasByName("FOTO") then
    oParameter = aSettings.getByName("FOTO")

   sFOTOpath = oParameter.getByName("ParameterString")
   sFOTOpath = ""
end sub

function GetConfigSettings(sRegisterPath as String) as Object 'Taken from DannyB
Dim args(1) As new
aConfProv = createUnoService("")
args(1).Name = "nodepath"
args(1).Value = sRegisterPath
args(0).Name = "EnableAsync"
args(0).Value = false
GetConfigSettings = aConfProv.createInstanceWithArguments("", args())
end function

sub CreateRegistrySchemaPathIfNotPresent(sRegisterPath as String)
oPathSettings = CreateUnoService( "" )
xray oPathSettings
sPathConfig = oPathSettings.Work 'Config

asPath1 = split(sRegisterPath, "/")
sFullDotPath = asPath1(1)
asPath2 = Split(sFullDotPath,".")
sFolder = join(asPath2,"/")

sRegistrySchemaPath = "file:///H:/" & sFolder & ".xcs"

sFileName = asPath2(UBound(asPath2))
sPackage = left(sFullDotPath, len(sFullDotPath)-len(sFileName)-1)

oSFA = createUNOService ("")
if not oSFA.exists(sRegistrySchemaPath) then 'See the chapter 15 of the dev guide for some explanation
print sRegistrySchemaPath
  oOutStream = oSFA.openFileWrite(sRegistrySchemaPath)
  oOutText = createUNOService ("")

  oOutText.WriteString("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" & Chr(10))

oOutText.WriteString("<oor:component-schema oor:name=""" & sFileName & """ oor:package=""" & sPackage & """ " ) oOutText.WriteString("xml:lang=""en-US"" xmlns:oor=""""; " )
  oOutText.WriteString("xmlns:xs=""""; " )
oOutText.WriteString("xmlns:xsi="""";>" & Chr(10))

  oOutText.WriteString("<templates>" & Chr(10))
  oOutText.WriteString(" <group oor:name=""Parameter"">" & Chr(10))
oOutText.WriteString(" <prop oor:name=""ParameterName"" oor:type=""xs:string""/>" & Chr(10)) oOutText.WriteString(" <prop oor:name=""ParameterString"" oor:type=""xs:string""/>" & Chr(10))
  oOutText.WriteString(" </group>" & Chr(10))
  oOutText.WriteString("</templates>" & Chr(10))

  oOutText.WriteString("<component>" & Chr(10))
oOutText.WriteString(" <set oor:name=""Parameters"" oor:node-type=""Parameter""/>" & Chr(10))
  oOutText.WriteString("</component>" & Chr(10))

  oOutText.WriteString("</oor:component-schema>" & Chr(10))


end sub

sub addParameter(aSettings as Object, ParameterName as String, ParameterString as String)

  Dim arParameters1(0) As new
  arParameters1(0).Name = ParameterName
  arParameters1(0).Value = ParameterString
  call setParameters(aSettings, arParameters1(0))

end sub

function getParameterCount(aSettings as Object) as long
getParameterCount = UBound(aSettings.ElementNames)+1
end function

sub setParameters(aSettings as Object, aNewValue as Object)
  if aSettings.hasbyName(sElementnaam) then
   oParameter = aSettings.createInstance()
  oParameter.ParameterName = aNewValue.Name
  oParameter.ParameterString = aNewValue.Value

  aSettings.ReplaceByName(sElementNaam , oParameter)

   oParameter =  aSettings.createInstance()
  oParameter.ParameterName = aNewValue.Name
  oParameter.ParameterString = aNewValue.Value

  aSettings.insertByName(sElementNaam , oParameter)

end sub
Hi everybody,

I'm hacking the cross-platform filepicker (in fpicker/source/office). I added a "Places" (bookmarks) list on the left and I would like to save the entries that the user bookmarked .

Cedric Bosdonnat told me to look at xcu and xcs files, but I'm a bit lost. I'm looking for a code sample where user's persistent configuration is manipulated (read and written) and/or anything that can be usefull, like search keywords, links to old threads in the mailing list, which would help me to identify some good practices (naming conventions, for instance).

Martin Richard

LibreOffice mailing list


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