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On 01/20/2012 06:32 AM, Noel Power wrote:
Hi Andrew,

My primary concerns

1. Change in behavior that may break existing code.
the intent of the patch is to restore the previous behaviour ( by previous behaviour I mean before integration of the feature that erroneously removed the 'special' processing for '+' for dates ). Additionally the intent of the patch is to make the behaviour for '-' similar for'+' e.g. if Date + 1 gives a Date then surely Date - 1 should additionally give back at Date. Hopefully that makes sense :-)

So the intent was not original behavior, but the behavior that was intended the first time but then left commented out. You then did one better by allowing for subtraction. Now I know what you mean by "old behavior". good.

2. Previous behavior was never flagged as an issue, and may arguably be considered logical to some. for example, storing a "delta" in the native type.
I don't think we should be afraid to change present behaviour if we think it is wrong and especially if the impact is probably going to be very minor ( as I think is the case here ). I would bet that the behaviour we have at the moment is an incomplete attempt to behave in a compatible way with vba. Where we can, I think if the cost is low we should try to be compatible ( should actually look at what vba does [*]). But... I take it that you are unhappy with changing the treatment of '-' ? and wouldn't be in favour of the change right? ( funny somehow I thought in the previous mail thread that you were in favour of even letting the Date type be set for all those numeric operations, sorry I misunderstood you )

Oh no, I think that we need it on minus as well. I did state that your change covered the majority case. My concern is that it may break existing macros, which is how I found the bug in the first place. I believe that your change will allow that particular macro to function correctly. The macros that will break are macros that assume (date +/- date) return date or that other operations such as * return date. Logically, however, I do agree that (date - date) makes little sense as a date and I have trouble envisioning the meaning of date * date.

I believe that your fix will allow date - date + date to return a date, so in my brain, I expect it to work as I expect.

3. The rules are more complicated now and require complex examples to explain; for example, time_1 + time_2 + time_3 returns a date but time_1 + time_2 does not. We cannot simply state that math done with dates or including a date returns a date.
yeah that doesn't sound right :-/  should remain a Date I would think

In a quick test under OOo, I did not test on LibO, I noticed that the Time() function returned a different type than Now(). Oh, I see that Time() returns a string. That explains a lot. A "real" time is (as I had original thought) expressed as a Date that has a 0 integer portion.

I do believe, however, that all the original arguments for a Date are the same for time. Logically, using time, 13:00 + 13:00 means nothing that makes sense to me, so you still covered the majority case unless someone chose to store elapsed time in a date object.

[*] table of behaviour in vba, pre the bug being introduced and post patch

                               mso    old behaviour  present
date + num                    Date      Date          Date
date - num                    Date      Double        Date
date * num                    Double    Double        Double
date / num                    Double    Double        Double
date + date                   Date      Double        Double [1]
date - date                   Double    Double        Double
date * date                   Double    Double        Double

[1] the date + date is clearly wrong (fixing that would address '3.' above. )

personally I am all for fixing this to be compatible

The only thing with which I disagree is that I would have addition and subtraction return the same types. So, I would say that if date + date returns a date (as your chart shows for MSO) then I would have date - date return a date as well. If not, then I would leave your original change as is so that they are consistent for addition and subtraction.

What type is "-date"? I see that never returned a date so (date + (-date)) will return a date.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:


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