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Hi Michael,

2012/1/12 Michael Meeks <>:
Hi Miklos,

On Wed, 2012-01-11 at 21:26 +0100, Miklos Vajna wrote:
I've implemented a progressbar for rtf import yesterday:
       Nice work ! :-)

There are two bugreports requesting this: fdo#38057 and fdo#44157. The
second calls this a 3.4 -> 3.5 regression, which is true.
       I think we're fairly happy about regressions here given the
improvements in the code, but it'd be nice to fix for sure.

What is better - should I cherry-pick this to -3-5, introducing a new
string to be localized or respect string freeze and ignore this being a
regression? (It's unfortune that till now I was not aware so far that
this is a regression, sure.)
       IIRC the translators would need to approve any such break; Andras -
what review / approval mechanism do we use there ? Given that the exact
same string "Loading Document ..." occurs in starmath and writer
already, I'd hope that they'd be sympathetic :-)

We don't have process for that. The best solution would be, if I
leveraged translation from sw for each language. So translators won't
even notice. What a pity that writerfilter cannot use sw's resources
directly. :)

Best regards,


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