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On 09/01/12 21:45, Bruno Girin wrote:
Thanks for the explanations, that's really useful!

Happy to be useful :)

Thanks. Minimal examples will be useful anyway so I'll try to produce some.

I also have a list of bugs that I wanted to fix, but did not have time. I debugged on Monday some quirks with stray closing lines that were due to our overkeen closed-path-detection algorithm. I fixed that one in libvisio 0.0.12 which is now part of LO 3.5.0beta3.

I also added with this version the ability to extract and push to LO embedded ole objects in visio files. If we understand them, they might even be clickable and editable, but they also exhibit some issues our ole embedding code has and I did not have a moment to dive inside there. Maybe a nice place to make a difference.

Now, I just pushed a fix for some diagrams not having borders in shapes where the borders should be. Like the sample Brainstm.vsd. When/if I have time, I will try to go through your bugs and try to fix what can be fixable.

Any chance you can be on IRC during CET day?
I wish but no. The job that pays the bills keeps me busy during the day,
UK time, and doesn't let me use any software that's not part of the
organisation's standard build.

There is always this possibility <> for people being behind firewalls and inflexible administrators :)

I'll try to find my way and will drop you a note if I struggle. Worst
case scenario, I hope I'll see you at FOSDEM in a few weeks so I may
take the opportunity to ask a few questions then.

Wonderful! I look forward to meeting you. I am intending to make a small hands-on presentation/workshop about import filters. I would like to use the upcomming Corel Draw library (or if I have time to start the MS Publisher library) to show how easy it is to start working on filters using writerperfect framework.

In preparation, I plan to write a serie of blog entries about some basics about LO import/export filters. Let us see whether the Lord gives me enough time for that.

Please, keep testing, it is invaluable



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