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Hi Michael,

On 2012-01-04 at 13:54 +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:

So you have my go-ahead, the code looks nice, and self-contained
      Mine too - it looks extremely short & sweet; and without it we just
have a huge white hole so ... ;-)

      One more review needed, I'd love to get Thorsten's input of course.
For the late feature - the ideal would be cross-affiliation, if
possible :-)  So if anybody non-SUSE can have a look, it would be great
- Caolan?  Miklos?  Ivan?  Anybody else?

As explained earlier, this makes many non-working pptx presentations
suddenly working; and we will see even more over the lifetime of 3.5.
The patch itself is really short & self-contained, so I think no real
Impress or PPTX knowledge is necessary for the approval.  And we will
still have enough time to revert it in case of trouble if it gets into

Thank you,


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