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Hi Matus,

On Fri, 2011-12-16 at 18:08 +0100, Matúš Kukan wrote:
I created two patches. First is because of new c++ feature but I have
        Looks fine to push :-) please do - string concatenation needs spaces
now - something to know.

no idea if the second one is ok and what was the problem.
Can I push both ?
        The second - as Lubos says looks like a g++ bug to me :-) perhaps
confused about namespaces - does adding a '::' prefix to the using
namespace help ? would include <vcl/graph.hxx> change the compiler's
mind on the topic ? ;-)

        Failing that, CC'ing Jan Hub. would be a good idea wrt. issues specific
to gcc trunk I suspect.

        Thanks !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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