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On 12/13/2011 07:56 PM, Lubos Lunak wrote:
On Monday 12 of December 2011, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Shrug.  Neither<<  nor something printf-like is particularly sexy, IMO.
   And trading<<  for +, when it requires you to wrap non-string
arguments in rtl::OUString::valueOf, doesn't look too exciting to me,

  But it might the moment you realize you're trading away things like

  SAL_INFO( "foo", 1<<  2 ) or SAL_INFO( "foo", "bar"<<  "baz" ).

Trading away the former, having to parenthesize (1 << 2) instead, is a std C++ trade-off. Granted, omission of the leading "ostream <<" in the macro call makes this somewhat non-obvious. What is traded away in the latter case?

Anyway, bikeshedding about surface syntax is rather pointless. Some seem to prefer a printf-style syntax, while others are fine with a C++ <<-based one.

- Artificially limited to 9 arguments.  You can sure always extend that,
but it's more work than not having to worry about it.

  Hmm. How often is that going to be needed?

With creative uses of SAL_WARN/INFO, I wouldn't be too sure. ;) (And as I already said, "none of those are critical shortcomings," only indicators to me that swapping implementations were not worth it if the only benefit were a different syntax.)

- No check that there are neither more nor fewer arguments than %Ns (or
that the set of %Ns spans a range 1--M without holes).

  There's a todo note, not that I think it matters that much if whoever does
that runs the code at least once.

Note that at least SAL_WARNs will typically *not* be run by the code authors. (Who goes to the pains of crafting a scenario to make each new SAL_WARN actually trigger, by temporarily modifying the code around it or creating an appropriate runtime environment?)

  Well, that's another advantage of the format approach then. It's an
inconvenience to have to explicitly say the format string is utf-8 (and
arguments probably as well), but then this conversion can be again limited
just to logging and not to every std::ostream operation.

Yes, having the message in UTF-16 is an advantage here. For the ostream-based approach, we need to wait for general availability of C++11's char16_t.



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