On Wed, 2011-12-07 at 23:44 +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
So - I know what __import__ is meant to do - but it appears to return an entirely useless object; one that has nothing even slightly helpful associated with it that would let me find an associated member variable.We seem to have a deep, deep chasm, because things that are natural / intuitive to me seem to be completely misunderstood by you.
:-) I'm not sure it's -that- deep - -clearly- from the docs this object is trying to be a simple name/value property-bag grab-bag. That is clear enough; the problem is - -what- is in the grab-bag; or (more to the point) why are there a badzillion built-in things, and not the things I want ? how does this 'module' map relate to the .py files which are it's children ?
The core thing to understand is that a function is not in any way a "special" category. It is just a value that can be applied, that can
Sure - I'm blown away by the sheer meta-ness of it ;-) everything is an everything and so on :-) But concretely, I don't care - I just want to understand this: * for a given structure of a python module: fax/ __init__.py FooBaaBaz.py BingBongDing.py * what can I expect my 'module' meta-thing to look like ? + ie. given that it contains nothing of any usefulness that I can find; how can I extract the global instance g_magicNameFoo defined in FooBaaBaz.py ? + why can I still not get it if I load fax.FooBaaBaz ? + why does it still not work for fax if I define this magic in __init__.py ? + how does that module structure flatten into this hash ?
So, it is quite natural (in the Python approach) that a module is just a wrapper around a dictionary.
That is fine - the question is - how is (what looks like a non-flat hierarchical object) flattened into a flat dictionary ? and where is that documented ?
You want to know whether module m defines name FOO? "hasattr(m, 'FOO')" will tell you. Either True or False.
Sure - so much is obvious; that is clearly what it -should- do; but what does "module m defines name FOO" mean ? where does FOO have to be defined ? clearly it works if I load/compile etc. the foo.py file - then the namespacing works and I get what I expect. Without that - how can I get g_MagicInstanceVariable into the global module scope ?
But I get the impression that you know that, so that I'm not sure what is your issue or question. Let's continue...
Yes :-) my question is - where is the documentation for any of the "how a set of files in a module interact and how are there symbols exposed, -and- how are they flattened into this hash -and- if I cannot find the symbol at the top-level, how can I traverse this tree - when I get only a dictionary with nothing I can see that is useful for going down a level inside it ;-)
If for some reason you don't want to be liberal and use duck typing, and want to force implHelper to be created by unohelper.ImplementationHelper() (or a derived class), you can use a subytping model:
Of course, that would be a good check to have I guess ;-) but I'm not so interested in that, I just want something that works.
Sure -none of these are what I want; I want to hook out any g_ImplementationHelper instances that are around.What is "hook out"? Whatever that is, just get the g_ImplementationHelper attribute and do whatever you want with it.
Sure - except it doesn't work ;-)
Having some nice way to dump all the available methods, and/or classes on a modulem.__dict__.keys() gives the set of bound names as a list.
Sure - and I get a huge list of (mostly) built-ins, with chatty contents; if there is some way to traverse down to the component .py files / classes that are embedded in this module, it is really unclear to me.
Maybe instead of discussing things in generality, we should dive into the concrete problem you are having? Give me UNO/LibreOffice n00b/beginner-proof instructions on how to reproduce the problem.
Sure :-) So - drop this services.rdb over your existing programservices/services.rdb; unfortunately (it is all one line) .rdb files are not patch-able. The substantive change is: <component loader="com.sun.star.loader.Python" uri="vnd.openoffice.pymodule:wizards.fax"> <implementation name="com.sun.star.wizards.fax.CallWizard"> <service name="com.sun.star.wizards.fax.CallWizard"/> </implementation> </component> Re-start, and File->Wizards->Fax should produce this on the console: pythonloader.Loader ctor pythonloader.Loader.activate pythonloader: interpreting url vnd.openoffice.pymodule:wizards.fax pythonloader: after expansion vnd.openoffice.pymodule:wizards.fax Warning: Python module loading is almost certainly pre-broken dump stuff Fetched ImplHelper as None I would expect ImplHelper to not be Null, or have some way of getting that instance out of the module. I tried all manner of ways of forcing the modules to get imported inside the __init__.py none of which helped here. Help much appreciated :-) ATB, Michael. -- michael.meeks@suse.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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