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On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 03:49:10PM +0000, Michael Meeks <> wrote:
      mod = __import__ ( "actual python-module-name" )
        implHelper = mod.__dict__.get( "g_ImplementationHelper" , None )

      is supposed to work, or indeed any half-way decent documentation on
what the object is that __import__ returns and by what I don't mean
floral vagueness but a concrete set of methods/properties and their
types that would let us find an internal variable definition ;-)

mod = __import__("foo")

is the same as

import foo as mod

and in case foo and mod is the same, then it's the same as

import foo

So that form is just longer form in case the module to import is not
known at build-time, or in case for some weird reason the original
module name is not acceptable.

Second line:

implHelper = mod.__dict__.get( "g_ImplementationHelper" , None )

It "casts" the module to a dictionary (hasmap), then looks up the
"g_ImplementationHelper" key there: if it's not found, it falls back to

In short, it checks if there is a funcion named "g_ImplementationHelper"
in "actual python-module-name".

(No, I'm not sure what else that dictionary contains, you can probably
fool that simple check by providing a *class* named
g_ImplementationHelper in the module, etc.)

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