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Le jeudi 17 novembre 2011 à 09:31 +0100, Cedric Bosdonnat a écrit :
An SfxItemSet is a set of properties. This is used to store all the
formatting properties all over LibreOffice. You can find a gdb function
to see what is inside an SfxItemSet here (dump_pSfxItemSet):

I hope this helps,
Thanks a lot for your help ! I found the bug on the content.xml file
(problem with style:text-properties in style of "paragraph" family that
aren't well handle)
I will try to patch the code, but for the moment I will fill a bug

Thank you again

Maxime de Roucy
80 rue Roque de Fillol
92800 PUTEAUX 
Tel. : 0 810 251 251

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