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At 12:00pm -0500 Tue, 15 Nov 2011, Michael Meeks wrote:
there are some real issues here, inasmuch that it can't be known
until run-time what interfaces are supported, and lots of type
information disappears down the toilet around queryInterfaces and
'any's. Unfortunately, this makes the API hardly fit-for-purpose for
simple scripting use, but extending the API to make it fit (eg. by
having a flat set of implementation interfaces - complete with
default parameter types etc.) is conceptually problematic ;-)

Is it similarly as convoluted and difficult to have an explanation with, say, RuntimeExceptions? For instance, with a document with only one sheet, one should not be able to remove the last sheet, right?

>>> doc.Sheets.removeByName('Sheet1')
---------------------------------------------------------------------------         Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/kevin/ram/temoa/branches/tmpp/<ipython console> in <module>()


Which is correct of course, but not terribly elucidating (note the empty trailing colon). Would this be a simple case of putting an RTL...string in removeByName in docuno.cxx?




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