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On 15/11/11 09:26, Noel Grandin wrote:
/scripting/ has the following lines in it:

/31 $(eval $(call gb_Jar_add_jars,ScriptProviderForJava,\
32 $(OUTDIR)/bin/juh.jar \
33 $(OUTDIR)/bin/jurt.jar \
34 $(OUTDIR)/bin/ridl.jar \
35 $(OUTDIR)/bin/unoil.jar \
36 $(OUTDIR)/bin/ScriptFramework.jar \
37 ))
But when I execute build --verbose in /scripting I get

/[ build JCS ] Jar/ScriptProviderForJava
R=c:/libreoffice && O=$R/libo/solver/ &&
W=$R/libo/workdir/ && S=$R/libo && mkdir -p
$W/JavaClassSet/Jar/ScriptProviderForJava/ &&
RESPONSEFILE=C:/cygwin/tmp/gbuild.4DIIuw &&
C:/PROGRA~2/Java/JDK16~1.0_2/bin/javac.exe -cp
-d $W/JavaClassSet/Jar/ScriptProviderForJava @$RESPONSEFILE && rm -f
$RESPONSEFILE && touch $W/JavaClassSet/Jar/ScriptProviderForJava/done
[ build CHK ] loaded modules: scripting
package does not exist
Note that despite being added in the build script, is
ScriptFramework.jar is NOT on the command line.

that is clearly impossible :-/

Any ideas? I'm afraid I'm still getting to grips with the gbuild framework.

hmm... if you edit, and move ScriptFramework.jar first, what happens then?

also you could try to edit solenv/gbuild/, and in the definition of gb_JavaClassSet_add_jar replace all "eval" with "info", which should print some debug output (but it won't build that way...)

in other words i have no idea what could cause this.

Thank, Noel Grandin


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