Op 13-11-11 11:33, julien2412 schreef:
Have you tried to apply the advice put here : http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/How_to_build#The_Build_Failed..._What_can_I_do.C2.A0.3F ?
Yes, result is the 2nd output in the pastebin URL. http://pastebin.com/4cUAnyXF when I execute the instruction I move one level deeper and get: http://pastebin.com/F2z0SjNm I noticed in line 59 the output ../../unxlngx6.pro/lib/uno_services.rdb \ is created.So I read 2 different names: uno_services.rdb and service.rdb; should they be identical?
Regards Luc
begin:vcard fn:Luc Castermans n:Castermans;Luc email;internet:luc.castermans@gmail.com x-mozilla-html:FALSE version:2.1 end:vcard