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On Monday 31 of October 2011, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
For me at least, this implies that all occurrences of firing assertions
should be tracked and fixed.

(For me at least, this also implies that assertions---OSL_ASSERT,
OSL_ENSURE, OSL_FAIL, DBG_ASSERT---should only be used to flag illegal
program states, not for unexpected but legal ones.  I don't think there
is objection to this view in general.  I've only seen confusion about
which macro was designed for which use case, and a sort of indifference
a la "half of the time, OSL_ASSERT etc. are used with the wrong
semantics anyway; shrug.")

 I think the only feasible way of fixing this is introducing a new set of 
these macros (let's say LO_WARN, LO_ASSERT), deprecating the old ones and 
converting their usage to the new ones. Otherwise we'll never know which 
OSL_ASSERT is really meant to assert and which is just a warning.

 Lubos Lunak


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