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It is also broken in MSO, it is an exporter problem. The slideX.xml has a
buChar element.
thanks for the direction.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Jan Holesovsky <> wrote:

Hi Pawan

On 2011-10-31 at 07:23 -0700, Pawan Vemuri wrote:

These bugs pertain to opening a ppt document, saving it as pptx
document and reopening the same document in pptx.
I would like to volunteer to fix this bug. Can you please let me know
where can I find the code for this parts of libreoffice (where can I
find code for ppt to pptx conversion and saving a pptx file in

Before starting hacking on this exactly, I'd recommend you to get
yourself familiar with building LibreOffice, and to do an easy hack:

But of course, fixing a bug that is close to your heart is always
good :-)  In your case, I'd first try to open the resulting pptx in MS
Office, to find out if it is a problem of the exporter (it is broken in
MSO), or importer (it is fine there).

If it is an exporter problem, you'll want to hack around:

If it is an importer problem, then it is most probably around:

All the best,


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