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On 09/20/2011 03:11 PM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
As recently announced on #libreoffice-dev, I consider undoing the
basis/brand layer split. Historically, this was introduced at Sun to
make it possible for various products (plain, Brasilian
BrOffice re-branding, Sun's proprietary StarOffice, ...) to share code
that is only built, packaged (into platform specific package formats
like rpm, deb), and quality-checked once.

With LibO today, there is no real need for that split any longer, so it
only complicates our code base. I would undo it in incremental steps
directly on master (unless I hit temporary problems that cannot be
worked around easily and that force me on a branch of my own). One
consequence would be that the 3.5 package and file system layout would
differ rather substantially from the 3.4 one (so that, e.g., using some
form of delta packages to upgrade from 3.4 to 3.5 would not be a good
idea, if anybody wanted to do something like that anyway).

(There is also a URE/rest split, which I will not touch for now. At
least Debian seems to be interested in having a stand alone URE on top
of which sits a LibO alongside potentially more apps.)

So, if you see any issue with this, please make yourself heard.

So that the following quote from #libreoffice-dev does not get lost: "Oct 05 14:03:57 <sberg> heads up: I notice that bin/distro-install-file-lists intimately knows which files are found where within an installation; much of that changes now that I reunite basis and brand layer (but changes will come in piecemeal); is it OK if I leave that file as is for now, and each distro revisits it once the basis layer is gone?"



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