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On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 13:43:41 +0100
Caolán McNamara <> wrote:

I suppose we'd always be stuck with on incremental builds with e.g.
header removals where the header remains in the solver, and/or a .so
to .a changes, where the .so remain behind.
Well, those cases might be solvable actually: gbuild could tell you
which targets in solver it knows about -- whatever more there is is old
garbage. So yeah, it should be possible to make an "delete everything
unknown to the build system" target (called "for incremental builds. But
that would kill your temporary logfiles, testfiles etc. in
$WORKDIR/$OUTDIR too. And as long as gbuild is not alone in owning
those dirs (as the old buildsystem is still around) this would require
whitelisting the old buildsystem stuff -- so it not worth it (yet).





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