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On 09/13/2011 08:40 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 09/13/2011 08:18 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 09/12/2011 11:23 PM, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Peter Foley<>
Another gbuild conversion.

Pushed, Thanks.
It ~looks like this broke the latest Mac OSX gcc-4.0.1 (PPC) tinderbox
build, see

(Though I have no clue what went wrong; at least cannot easily reproduce
I think the problem is using static libraries. IIRC, on Mac OS X, if you
link against two static libs -lA -lB, order is important, and if B need
symbols from A (that the executable into which the two are linked does
not already take from A), it won't find them. What could help in this
specific case is to switch the order of x2c_support and x2c_xcd in
xml2cmp/Executable_*.mk. (Will try that out on my Mac, but that can take
a while. Another solution might be to use Mac OS X ld switches -all_load
or -force_load.)
Hm, can't reproduce the problem on my Mac OS X 10.6 box.  Strange.



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