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On Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 06:05:18PMr +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

LibreOffice uses ODBC escapes for literals, e.g. for dates: {D
2011-08-28} In particular, it does that when one asks for a filter
on a date column in a form or table.

Now, for example PostgreSQL does not support that syntax.

So, I wanted to check whether it is policy that SDBC drivers must
accept ODBC escapes in SQL strings (and the PostgreSQL SDBC driver
will have to be changed so that it does), or whether there would be
interest in me gradually changing LibreOffice to *not* use
ODBC-specific escapes.

I found out about the EscapeDateTime and EnableOuterJoinEscape
properties that disable this ODBC escape behaviour, and changed the
PostgreSQL SDBC driver to set them. So I'm not going to pursue my idea
to use prepared statements instead of dynamically generated SQL, at
least for the time being.



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