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Michael Meeks wrote (06-09-11 17:56)

As you have seen, I posted some overview on
the subject to the list two days ago
        I didn't see that,
(no wonder, it was a Sunday evening ;-) )

        any chance of a re-send; if you give enough details
no doubt we can discuss it ourselves, though that is less satisfying of
Obvious. I'll resend it.

I'll be glad to join a talk about this. Only problem: needs to be
   - For the weeks towards mid October about the same schedule.
        By mid-October we can meet at the LibreOffice conference perhaps ? :-)
I'll try to.
But it is too late for a fair look at the question. (As explained before more then once: if the discussion leads to the conclusion that a bit earlier start with beta release is wise, it is not fair to say that only few weeks before that time. Devs will be disturbed!)

 - Cor


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