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On Aug 19, 2011, at 2:06 AM, Henrik Jensen wrote:
On 16-08-2011 17:50, Michael Meeks wrote:
On Mon, 2011-08-15 at 23:40 +0100, Henrik Jensen wrote:
Later when I feel more comfortable with the code, I hope to be able to use (resurrect ?)
the old GSOC 2006 project
as a stepping stone for pursuing  an old dream of adding (at least some primitive kind of)
code-completion functionality to the star-basic editor.

    Ah - that would indeed be nice; unfortunately - queryInterface makes a
dogs breakfast of type inference from objects: by the power of
'meta'ness ;-) we have no idea what interfaces are supported, and we are
constantly loosing strong type information down 'Any' shaped holes -
which is a shame.

Oh my, that sounds more like politicians with vague promises than interfaces with contracts. :-P. 
Heh, I got this feeling I'm probably better off slowly turning the lid back on what appears to be 
a can of worms, hoping not to many noticed, and focus on more realistic objectives for the near 
future. :-)

Jokes aside, I'm a bit surprised of these difficulties because there seems to be plenty of 
reflection interfaces in the uno-framework: ?
Is the Editor component on a too low layer to take advantages of these ?

The problem is rather that much of the interesting information about UNO objects is only available 
dynamically, at runtime.  The static type information that is available is indeed often just only 
XInterface (or some other basic interface type) or ANY.  So you generally face the same problems 
wrt code completion as you face with any of today's dynamic programming languages.  UNO has the 
concepts to do better, but most parts of the API do not make use of them.



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