Hi Gerald, *,
first of all: I'm not a software developer!
@all: sorry for double posting on ux-advice. Missed to hit "reply to
all", which I usually don't on mailinglists.
I think there is a misunderstanding here..
Am 05.08.2011 22:51 schrieb Gerald Leppert:
Hi Kohei,
Thanks for making me understand the matured objectives of the
EasyHacks-system. Although I do not share your rough statements about
"mis-using", "injecting" and "pet peeves", I propose that I add easy
bugs or enhancement requests as "[ProposedEasyHack]" in the future.
How do You find out a bug to be an "easy bug"? Are You a software
engineer taking your assumption out of knowledge of the code?
If so You might be able to propose a patch as well.
If not, You are member of a big group of people *assuming* a bug to be
an "easy bug". I understand every software engineer to be not amused
beeing faced that assumption beeing estimated as a fact.
Then, I do not conflict with the objectives of the EasyHacks-system
as you pointed them out.
However, I would like to point to some problems and inconsistencies
in the EasyHacks-system that might be worth to consider:
As far as I got it, EasyHacks is a plain software engineer means where a
bug recognized as EasyHack by the expert isn't resolved in short time
but instead put to EasyHacks page waiting for a new Hacker resolving it
under the eyes of this particular expert and learning the code
That has nothing to do with handling of new bugs at all no matter
whether disfunction or enhancement issue.
1. The whiteboard tag "ProposedEasyHack" does not seem to have any
effect. So far, I have not seen any bug tagged as "ProposedEasyHack"
which was touched by a developer and changed to "EasyHack"
Summing up: I propose that "ProposedEasyHacks" are taken more
seriously and are really be converted by someone to "EasyHacks" if
identified to be really easy. Also, in my opinion, the
mentorship-argument does not hold for really-easy-hacks (please see
my examples above).
Please understand: You can only propose an EasyHack if You are a
developer and could fix that bug *Yourself*.
Hope I could help make it more clear.
[.. recycled TOFU - please care for proper email communication
http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html might help ..]
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- Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Fwd: [PATCH] Bug 39167 (continued)
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