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2011/7/13 Michael Meeks <>:
Hi Knut,

On Wed, 2011-07-13 at 16:54 +0200, Knut Olav Bøhmer wrote:
Now, fight! :D

       This is a developers forum, not a place for sending E-mails about
reported bugs :-) It is only on-topic if you have a patch, or you want
advice and code pointers to help chase the issue down.

I have debuged this in OOo321, as this is the version I've been able to compile.
I have found out where the delay happens (I think).

Line 183 in \svtools\source\svdde\ddecli.cxx

pImp->hConv = DdeConnect( pInst->hDdeInstCli,*pService,*pTopic, NULL);
DdeConnect is not an function. I guess it
is in unicows.

What can I do now to make progress?

Best regard.

Knut Olav Bøhmer


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