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Hi Stef,

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 15:52 +0200, Stef Bon wrote:
       And of course, getting some clean notifications of
file-system state allow us to do that, perhaps we need more.

Please how is this detected. Does writer use a sort of eventloop,

        Not sure actually; it doesn't behave as you describe on Linux at least
- I can change the dir and file permissions, and nothing notices in the

       I would suspect it is quicker and easier to add it in a more generic
way that would identify apps at the OS level; then you get it for ~free
for everything else too.

Yes that;s also a good sollution. The pid's of the apps are available,
so it's easy to show the list with the apps.

        Sure - there is some working out that the 'soffice' you exec'd and is
in a .desktop file is really now 'soffice.bin' or 'oosplash.bin' and
showing the right icons and so on - but - it is not hard.

Nay I ask you why the "Uhm" when I mentioned my construction. Is it
too "strange"??

        Umh ? :-) no idea. I would just hate to add tons of the same code to
all apps on the desktop without sharing that in a library - it is a
cause for inconsistency; hence - I'd prefer to see this done not
per-app, but once per desktop. Finally - IMHO persuading users to
un-mount devices is (I think) mostly a lost battle. At least on SUSE we
do very aggressive write-through for USB / other hot-pluggable devices
to avoid these problems.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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