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On 5 Jun 2011, at 16:57, Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Jun 5, 2011, at 11:47 AM, Simon Phipps wrote:
Hey, chill. As Sam says, there's no ideology involved, just choices. The last thing I want is an 
ideological debate because I already know how it turns out. That's why I think it would be far 
better not to keep making proposals whose most likely response is an explanation of how 
licensing is the issue blocking them.

I'm chilling like a villain.

Sorry, but you *based* your conclusion of the inevitability of there being
2 projects on the *ideology* of copyleft vs non-copyleft.
I did that because the diversity of the world of FOSS is a clearly observable fact. You observe a 
different world around you?  I don't want to argue about it precisely because it's so obvious :-)

So back to the constructive point: what are the best, most uniting proposals we can come up with 
for ASF and LibreOffice to co-operate? 



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