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Hi Albert,

Then you are a lot further then I am. I'll leave you to it. Please state in the ticket when you are working on it. That way nobody will work on the ticket when you are busy with it.
Rob Snelders

On 28-05-11 21:46, Albert Thuswaldner wrote:
Hi Rob,

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 01:01, Rob Snelders<>  wrote:
Hi Albert,

I have worked on this bug before I heard that you had already worked on it.
Did you work any further on it? Maybe we can callaborate on it?
Oh, how far did you come? I think I basically have done most of it by now.

I have found the place where the number of sheets is set. This is in
No I don't think that is where you set it. The methods:


are used by the vba scripting api to set/get the number of sheets. But
using these methods will not save the the number of sheets to the
configuration file. I did a failled implementation of that, see the
attached files:


That's at least what I have managed to figure out. So instead I have
basically implemented the same methods in docoptio.cxx/hxx though I
have some bugs to straighten out. Attached the diff on what I have
done so far.


Please let me know.

Rob Snelders

On 18-05-11 08:39, Albert Thuswaldner wrote:
Hi Kohei,
Thanks for your help.

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 21:19, Kohei Yoshida<>    wrote:
On Sun, 2011-05-08 at 17:09 +0200, Albert Thuswaldner wrote:
Dear List,
As a first attempt to contribute some code to LO, I've started hacking
on his:

I think I have come quite far with implementing the changes to the
configuration dialog (see the patch). Here there is still some things
to do, like figuring out why the contents of the tab page isn't
showing up. Any hints?
So, when you say the contents of the tag page isn't showing up, do you
mean the page entry is not in the tree on the left at all, or the entry
is there but the page shows up empty?
The page entry was in the tree but the tab page itself showed up
empty. However, I have solved this part now! :)
There was an additional place in the code that needed to be modified.

Also why are many of the same resource id's defined both in
libs-core/svx/source/src/app.hrc and
I have no clue about this.  Maybe it's a remnant of one of those code
relocation efforts that took place awhile ago in the OOo code?

For the other part of problem i.e, how to actually set the number of
sheets for a new spreadsheet, I am completely lost. I haven't found
where in the code this should be done, (using opengrok.+ guessing).
Could someone please give me a hint on how to go about finding this?
How is a new spreadsheet generated? xml template? through using the
internal api?
Check around the ScTable class.  That's the class that implements each
sheet instance.  Especially pay close attention to its constructor, and
assuming that it gets called three times during the startup of Calc, you
can perhaps set a break point in there to see who instaniates it 3
times, and trace back from there.
I've mostly focused on the configuration part as of yet, now I will
focus on this part.
Thanks for the hint.

Great to see you working on this, BTW.


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc

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